Hockley Heath Parish Council was set up in 2009 following the reorganisation of the parish councils in south Solihull.
South Warwickshire Local Plan (SWLP)
A Public Meeting is being held for residents in relation to the emerging SWLP on Thursday 20 February 2025 (7.00pm to 8.30pm).
Stratford District Council have provided a video taking people through how to use the interactive South Warwickshire Local Plan consultation portal. The video is now on the Stratford District Council webpage, and a direct link to it is provided here:
Neighbourhood Plan
Please Click Here to be taken to the Neighbourhood Plan page where you can get more information.
What is Hockley Heath Parish Council?
A Parish Council is the first and smallest tier or layer in local government. The next layer is Solihull Metropolitan District Council. Both of these councils have democratically elected Councillors. A parish is a type of English local government unit, going back for centuries. We have no official links to the Parish Church and the Parochial Church Councils.
What is Hockley Heath Parish Council for?
We have a statutory right to be consulted on planning applications and Hockley Heath Parish Council is expected to represent the interests of the Parish by supporting, making comments or objecting to all or part of formal applications. In addition, HHPC will also consider many other things which concern local residents, such as traffic, litter and play facilities. It makes grants of money to deserving organisations where the life and welfare of local people will be improved, but can also make grants available to wider charities. The Parish Council is solely responsible for managing the recreation ground and the Pavilion.
How the Parish Council keep you updated.
The Parish Council publish a newsletter which is delivered to homes within the Parish.
Ordinary Parish Council meetings, open to all members of the public, are held monthly (usually the third Thursday of the month at 7pm in the Pavilion) and the agendas and minutes are posted on the Parish Council website and the notice board in the village (outside the dental practice).