Following an uncontested election in May 2023, three of the five seats available on Hockley Heath Parish Council were filled. The three Councillors democratically elected were Cllr Batchelor, Cllr McDougall and Cllr Quinton. There are currently two vacancies for co-opted Councillors. If you are interested in being a co-opted Parish Councillor on Hockley Heath Parish Council, please view the information below, and complete the application form below. If you require any further information, please contact the Clerk. The closing date for applications is Wednesday 24 May 2023, 12pm.
Co-option Notice May 2023
1 file(s) 73.45 KB
Co-option for your Information
1 file(s) 100.91 KB
Co-option Application Form May 2023
1 file(s) 115.56 KB